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Vj Nokami



Eric Filion aka vj Nokami, graphic designer is in the visual media and communications environnement. He participates in several visual artistic performances as media designer. Eric was part of the Neoist movement, and collaborates regularly in international artistic visual presentations in Europe (LUX, AVITUK, Arts Electronica), USA (SHARE, AVITRetreat, Center art project), South America (404 festival), Asia (CeC, Mobile road cinema thailand, Thailand New media Arts) and in Canada (Upgrade, Mutek, Dorkbot, InterAccess Electronic Media Arts Centre, Momentfactory, SAT, Champs Libre, X Avant new music festival, AD NOISEAM, Nuit Blanche ).

His artistic approach is clearly influenced by his numerous travels on several continents. The canvas of the images he expresses tend to reflect human emotions based on cultural values where ancient traditions meet with the present, to clash and become in harmony in the now.

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